87 Orange Photography Blog



I'm so glad you are here. My name is Amber and I am a Grand Rapids, Michigan contemporary photographer. This is the place to see the my most recent session or wedding. While you are here feel free to leave a little love in the comment section, if you so desire. Every comment means a lot. Have a great day! Amber



Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Nolan has to have this blanket everywhere we go. I call it the "big" pacifier. Notice the color orange. : ) My friend Sarah made this for Nolan when he was born. So it was a complete coincidence that orange is one of the main colors. Typically when you see him holding his blanket like this, a loud humming sound can be heard too. This is how he goes to sleep every night.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I love these bags!!

Last year for Christmas my sister-in-law bought me these bags as a gift. I use them everywhere. What I love the most is that you can roll them up and just take one bag in a small purse. Because of the small size I can also carry all five bags in my purse.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Elise & Zach ~ Wedding Slideshow

This slide show is from Elise and Zach's wedding two weekends ago. The wedding was originally going to be a small event, but the couple is fortunate enough to have lots of friends and family. So, a small wedding would not due! They ended up having the wedding & reception at Moss Ridge Golf Club. It was a beautiful sunny day and both families were so friendly and welcoming. My favorite quote from the day was from Zach's little brother. He said that he "was so happy that he had a big sister now."

Zach is in the Marines and may be deployed soon. So, I wish this young couple a happy and love filled life together.

Thanks for letting me be part of your special day!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Blog!!!

I have decided that it is time to get my photography business up and going. Even though I am still in school, I feel that it is time for my business to grow. And, what better way to do it than with a new name!! I chose the name 87 orange photography for personal reasons. It has always been a favorite color of mine, but it also connects my family too. My family is the reason I started my photography business, and so it is really not just my business but "our" business. Without their support, I wouldn't be able to follow my passion in photography. Especially my husband, whom hopefully will be second shooting for me as our business grows!

So, I couldn't post without a picture! Here is a sweet little girl from a session last Saturday.